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Platform Blogs

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Splunk Platform introduces new data management capabilities that enable faster and more cost-effective root cause analysis and incident resolution of customer-facing issues.

Latest Articles

Platform 3 Min Read

Announcing the Splunk SPL to SPL2 Converter

Introducing Splunk’s SPL to SPL2 converter, now available for Splunk Data Management‘s Edge Processor and Ingest Processor.
Platform 2 Min Read

Introducing Ingest Processor: An Evolution in Splunk Data Management

Splunk is pleased to announce the general availability of Ingest Processor, a Splunk-hosted offering within Splunk Cloud Platform designed to help customers achieve greater efficiencies in data transformation and improved visibility into data in motion.
Platform 2 Min Read

Monitoring Bucket Health in Splunk Enterprise

Splunker Matteo Palarchio explains how small buckets can have a big impact on Splunk Enterprise performance.
Platform 3 Min Read

Accelerate Productivity With Updates in Your Platform UI Home Page

A run-through of the experiences added to the redesigned home page in the most recent versions of Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise.
Platform 3 Min Read

Splunk Data Manager’s Custom Logs: Expanding AWS Log Ingestion Capabilities

Antoni Komorowski shares how Custom Logs in Splunk Data Manager can help improve your log management experience.
Platform 4 Min Read

Announcing the Public Beta of SPL2 in Splunk Enterprise

Announcing the public beta of Splunk’s next-generation data search and processing language, SPL2 on Splunk Enterprise.
Platform 4 Min Read

Why You Need Observability With the Splunk Platform

Splunk Observability Cloud allows you to get the full picture of your events in one same place.
Platform 5 Min Read

Stream Amazon CloudWatch Logs to Splunk Using AWS Lambda

Set up a subscription filter with AWS Lambda to ingest CloudWatch Logs data into different Splunk destinations.
Platform 4 Min Read

Splunk Edge Processor and Federated Search: Do I Need It?

Splunk Edge Processor and Federated Search for Amazon S3 can help efficiently gain value out of your data.