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Muhammad Raza

Muhammad Raza is a technology writer who specializes in cybersecurity, software development and machine learning and AI.  

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Structured, Unstructured & Semi-Structured Data

An effective data management strategy is focused on the security, and transparency of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data.
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Audit Logging: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, we’ll answer our simple question: How can you use audit logging, and what use cases do audit logs best support?
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Explainable vs. Interpretable Artificial Intelligence

Let’s break down two common terms in AI: explainability and interpretability. A complicated concept, yes, but we’ve got you covered!
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Continual Learning in AI: How It Works & Why AI Needs It

Learning is easy for humans, and a lot more difficult for artificial intelligence. Learn all about the concept of continual learning here.
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What Is Cyber Forensics?

Cyber forensics is getting information, analyzing it, and gaining intelligence about criminal activities involving technology. Learn how it's done here.
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Trustworthy AI & AIMS (Artificial Intelligence Management Systems)

AIMS is a standardization framework that allows organizations to manage risks and opportunities associated with AI. Want trustworthy AI? Start with AIMS.
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What Is AI Native?

AI Native is the term for technology that has intrinsic and trustworthy AI capabilities. Let’s learn what AI native means & how to get started with it.
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What Is Load Balancing?

Load Balancing is the process of distributing network traffic among available servers, with the objective of optimizing certain network operations.
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What Is Synthetic Monitoring?

The goal of synthetic monitoring: Understand how a real user might experience your website. Let's go deep to see the great things synthetic monitoring can do.
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AI Tools & Vendors for The Enterprise

Looking for AI tools for the enterprise? Read on for the full story about AI and software for business use cases.
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What Are Feedback Loops?

Today, feedback loops are commonplace in IT, business, and plenty of other domains, too. But what exactly are they meant to do — and how do they work?
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What is Malware Detection?

Detecting malware isn't easy: there's so many types, so many places to look. Learn the best techniques to use today.
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What Is Hacktivism?

Hacktivism — hacking with the purpose of activism — is on the rise globally. Get the full story on what it means and how it differs from real social activism here.
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What Is Zero Touch In IT?

With a goal of zero human intervention, Zero Touch is the automation of resource provisioning, device management, and a whole range of ITOps processes.
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What Is Federated Analytics?

Federated analytics is the approach for data analysis that happens locally on devices, instead of moving data to a central location. Learn more here.
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The Environmental Impact of AI

Today, AI is everywhere — and it’s powerful. But what powers artificial intelligence? Natural resources like water and electricity. Get the full picture here.
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Low Code vs. No Code: What’s The Difference?

When it comes to coding and software/app development, two related trends appeal to certain business users: low code and no code programming platforms.
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AI Ethics in Business & Organizations

When AI and business meet, good things can happen — but we should consider the negative side, too. Read on to see how to adopt AT ethically and sustainably.