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Tag: OpenTelemetry

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KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America: Know Before You Go

Essential advice to prepare for KubeCon and CloudNativeCon North America 2023, the hottest conference for Kubernetes, OpenTelemetry, and cloud-native software development.
DevOps 3 Min Read

Getting Started with Observability: What is OpenTelemetry?

How do you collect and send your data to an Observability tool? Learn more about what OpenTelemetry is and how it makes this question easier to answer.
DevOps 2 Min Read

Dos and Don’ts of Observability: Lessons Learned from RedMonk

Learn about the Dos and Don'ts of Observability in this post recapping a LinkedIn Live webinar with Splunk and RedMonk.
DevOps 4 Min Read

OpenTelemetry, Auto-Instrumentation and Splunk Observability Cloud: A Jump Start

Discover how to build or deploy an application or microservices with auto-instrumentation of OpenTelemetry – possibly in less time than it takes for delivery.
DevOps 4 Min Read

Announcing OpenTelemetry Metrics are Now Available as Release Candidates

OpenTelemetry’s metrics capabilities are now available as release candidates! This means that the specification, APIs, SDKs, and other components that author, capture, process, and otherwise interact with metrics now have the full set of OpenTelemetry metrics functionality and are ready for use.
DevOps 4 Min Read

How to Configure the Opentelemetry Collector to Begin Collecting Metrics

OpenTelemetry enables Observability, Learn how gathering metrics with OpenTelemetry is essential when building observable systems.
DevOps 5 Min Read

The Five Tenets of Observability

Observability is essential for technology success. Learn the five key tenets of an Observability system and the benefits of Observability for your company.
DevOps 5 Min Read

Jenkins, OpenTelemetry, Observability

Leverage OpenTelemetry for Jenkins in Splunk Observability and monitor CI/CD performance.
DevOps 4 Min Read

How to Deploy the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector to Gather Kubernetes Metrics

With Kubernetes emerging as a strong choice for container orchestration, learn how to deploy the Splunk OpenTelemetry collector to gather Kubernetes metrics.