Rod Soto

Rod Soto

Worked at Prolexic, Akamai, Caspida. Won BlackHat CTF in 2012. Co-founded Hackmiami, Pacific Hackers meetup and conferences.

Security 6 Min Read

Approaching Kubernetes Security — Detecting Kubernetes Scan with Splunk

Approaching Kubernetes security. Detect and investigate Kubernetes cluster scan and fingerprinting using Splunk.
Security 3 Min Read

Splunk Attack Range Now With Caldera and Kali Linux

An overview of the updates the Splunk Security Research Team has been working on for Splunk Attack Range, now with Caldera adversarial simulation framework and Kali Linux
Security 7 Min Read

Use Cloud Infrastructure Data Model to Detect Container Implantation (MITRE T1525)

Using cloud infrastructure data model to detect possible container implantation (Mitre Cloud Matrix technique T1525)