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 Paul Kurtz
Paul Kurtz

Paul has led organizations involved in the most pressing national security issues, ranging from counter-terrorism, weapons nonproliferation, critical infrastructure protection, and cybersecurity.

His management experience spans government, non-profits, to the private sector, ranging from Special Assistant to the President on the White House's National Security Council to managing partner for a consulting company's overseas operations to founding a venture-funded cybersecurity company.

Career highlights include experience on the ground as a weapons inspector in Iraq and North Korea, serving as Political Advisor in Northern Iraq, coordinating the immediate response to the attacks of September 11, planning a national cyber defense program, to turning an idea to automate cyber intelligence management into a successful company (TruSTAR) ultimately acquired by Splunk.

Security 3 Min Read

Cybersecurity’s Moneyball Transformation

What do baseball and cybersecurity have in common? Nothing, at first glance. But, take a deeper look and you can see the glaring similarities. That's because cybersecurity is going through its Moneyball transformation right now. Read this blog post to learn more.
Security 4 Min Read

Only the Paranoid Survive, Recast for Cybersecurity

At TruSTAR, we want to highlight stories of success in defending cyberspace that can propagate as best practices. Read more about human dependencies, technical challenges and defining data to be shared.
Security 4 Min Read

Stories of Cyber Defense Collaboration: Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG)

Nicole Perloth’s new book, This is How They Tell Me the World Ends, details our past and troubling trajectory in cyberspace. It is a terrific and sobering read for both the initiated and uninitiated in information security. This doom and gloom title prompts the need for a blog series focusing on slivers of success in defending cyberspace that can propagate as best practices.
Security 3 Min Read

Cybersecurity Today: Alice in Wonderland Meets the Matrix & Total Recall

The scale of cyber attacks and the complexity of networks exacerbate the situation. Operators face three significant challenges: an IT security ecosystem that is fragmented and in flux, users that are both human and machine, and multiple threats with varying levels of severity and sophistication.