Jeremy Hicks

Jeremy Hicks

Jeremy Hicks is an observability evangelist and SRE veteran from multiple Fortune 500 E-commerce companies. His enthusiasm for monitoring, resiliency engineering, cloud, and DevOps practices provide a unique perspective on the observability landscape.

Observability 4 Min Read

SignalFlows to SLOs

A short treatise on using SignalFlow to track Error Budgets (SLO) with Alert Minutes – or you can just use the linked Terraform files!
Observability 3 Min Read

Snowflake DB: Observing a Snowflake From Cloud to Chart

Gain insight into your Snowflake Database usage with Splunk Observability dashboards and detectors.
Observability 3 Min Read

To Observability and Back Again: A Context's Journey

Get Splunk events in front of Developers (even if they don’t use Splunk) – sending events from Splunk Cloud to Splunk Observability is easy!
Tips & Tricks 3 Min Read

Executive Lookout: Observing Observability

Get a grip on your Observability world with a 10,000ft view of usage and uptake with free Executive Dashboards from the Splunk Observability Content Contribution repository.
Observability 6 Min Read

Adding RUM to Your ITSI Cocktail: Content Pack for Splunk Observability V2

Add Real User Monitoring metrics from Splunk Observability to your ITSI with Version 2 of The Content Pack for Splunk Observability, providing even more integration between ITSI and Splunk Observability metrics.
Observability 5 Min Read

Azure DevOps: Fun with Observability Events and Alerts!

With Splunk Observability Integrations for Azure DevOps you can visualize your pipeline runs, releases, and protect yourself from errant releases during major events or service outages.