In this installment of our 'Meet the Splunktern' series, we’re introducing Matthew Follegot, our Back-End Software Engineer Co-Op on the Security Analytics (UEBA Cloud) team. Read on to learn more about Matthew's virtual Splunktern experience!
In this next installment of our 'Meet the Splunktern'' series, we’re featuring Anne Guo, our Front-End Software Engineer Co-Op on Splunk’s Enterprise Dashboards team.
From Splunkterns, for Splunkterns! Splunk's Corporate Communications Intern, Elly Lee, interviews five Splunkterns in various departments to get some insight into their 2020 internship experience.
In this week’s “Meet the Splunktern” blog series meet Mickey Dang, one of our software engineering interns. Mickey shares his experience as an intern on the Splunk Security Analytics team while living in California.
Welcome to our “Meet the Splunktern” blog series and meet our Sales intern Saidy Bah. She talks about her experience and shares valuable insight into the work day of an intern at Splunk.
The annual arrival of our summer intern cohort is an event we always look forward to as Splunk is rejuvenated by a wave of fresh energy, new perspectives, and enterprising spirit.
Check out the latest in our Meet the Splunktern series! In this edition, we sit down with Legal Intern, Elizabeth Robbins to learn more about her journey at Splunk.