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Press Release

Travis Perkins PLC Detects and Responds to Threats Faster with Splunk Enterprise Security and Splunk Cloud

UK Supplier of Building Materials Implements Cloud-First Strategy

SAN FRANCISCO and LONDON – May 16, 2017 – Splunk Inc. (NASDAQ: SPLK), provider of the leading software platform for real-time Operational Intelligence, today announced that Travis Perkins PLC, the UK’s largest builders' merchant and home improvement retailer, is using Splunk® Cloud and Splunk Enterprise Security (Splunk ES) to identify and respond to potential threats across its business. Automated responses to security events based on risk scoring in Splunk ES have reduced the time it takes for the security team to investigate threats, such as phishing emails, that might financially impact the business. To learn more about Travis Perkins PLC and Splunk watch the video, listen to the webinar or read the full case study

Travis Perkins PLC provides materials and tools across the trade, home improvement and DIY markets in the UK. It has over 20 different businesses under the group umbrella with 2,000 branches, 28,000 employees and approximately six billion pounds in revenue.

“Travis Perkins PLC is undergoing a cloud-first transition so our IT and security teams can move at the speed our customers expect, while reducing costs and retaining the security our business demands,” said Nick Bleech, head of information security, Travis Perkins PLC. “This would not be possible without visibility across our infrastructure to ensure our assets are secure. Splunk Cloud and Splunk ES give us the ability to ensure we can manage the complex cybersecurity landscape while benefiting from the instant, reliable and cost effective delivery model offered in Splunk Cloud.”

Travis Perkins PLC is also using Splunk ES to create a lean security operations center, where individuals in the IT Operations team are leveraging risk-score correlations, custom dashboards and alerts to respond quickly to suspicious activity. Upon deploying Splunk ES, Travis Perkins PLC found these correlations provided immediate security value within just three hours. Today, the deployment has improved the security effectiveness of Travis Perkins PLC without dramatically increasing the cost.

“Data is currency for organizations embracing digital transformation and some of the highest stakes are in security,” said Haiyan Song, senior vice president of security markets, Splunk. “Travis Perkins PLC recognizes that to stay secure in an increasingly dangerous cyber environment, it’s critical to lead with an analytics-driven approach to security. As the company continues its journey to the cloud, we are thrilled to help Travis Perkins PLC make sense of their data to visualize, detect and respond to threats faster than ever – no matter where it resides. Ultimately, this will help Travis Perkins PLC automate security processes, giving their analysts the valuable time needed to focus on proactive security strategy.”

Visit the Splunk website to learn more about Splunk Enterprise Security and Splunk Cloud.

About Splunk Inc.

Splunk Inc. (NASDAQ: SPLK) is the market leader in analyzing machine data to deliver Operational Intelligence for security, IT and the business. Splunk® software provides the enterprise machine data fabric that drives digital transformation. More than 13,000 customers in over 110 countries use Splunk solutions in the cloud and on-premises. Join millions of passionate users by trying Splunk software for free:

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