Ashok Sankar

Ashok Sankar is the Director of Solutions Strategy focused on public sector and education markets at Splunk. In this role, he is responsible for evangelism of the company’s solutions portfolio, leading thought leadership and strategic initiatives, customer engagements and content marketing strategies for the company’s portfolio of data analytics solutions. He brings expertise across analytics, security, mobile, cloud and virtualization technologies and their applications in public sector and commercial industries. He holds a Master’s in Electrical Engg from Virginia Tech and a certificate in cybersecurity strategy from Georgetown University


業種・業界 2 分程度

CDMとは - 連邦政府以外でも、現実的なサイバーセキュリティ対策の必要性

業種・業界 2 分程度

ITモダナイゼーション – 公共機関の変革はテクノロジーだけでは成し得ない
