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Splunk Introduces the Future of Security Intelligence

New Splunk App for Enterprise Security Highlights Statistical Analysis for Threat Detection

SAN FRANCISCO - April 30, 2013Splunk Inc. (NASDAQ: SPLK), the leading software platform for real-time operational intelligence, today announced the general availability of version 2.4 of the Splunk App for Enterprise Security. Splunk® Enterprise and the Splunk App for Enterprise Security are a security intelligence platform that helps organizations discover unknown threats in real time with out-of-the-box content, including new searches, dashboards and visualizations that enable rich statistical analysis of machine data. Learn more about the Splunk App for Enterprise Security today.

"Statistical analysis is the new weapon of the security warrior defending against threats that bypass traditional security detection systems. This is one of the reasons why more than 1,500 organizations around the world rely on Splunk for security," said Mark Seward, senior director of security and compliance, Splunk. "Companies now understand that hidden in the terabytes of user-generated machine data are abnormal patterns of activity that represent the presence of malware or the behavior of malicious insiders. The new Splunk App for Enterprise Security enables statistical analysis of HTTP traffic to help security professionals determine a baseline for what's normal, quickly detect outliers and use those events as starting points for security analysis and investigation."

"The future of securing the enterprise relies upon using all available data, not just predetermined bits and pieces of traditional security data. Statistical analysis expands the value of that data. It can help uncover meaningful insight that often goes unrecognized in a mass of raw information. The new Splunk App for Enterprise Security is breaking new ground in security data analytics by applying statistical techniques to data that is often beyond the reach of legacy tools," said Scott Crawford, managing research director, security and risk management, Enterprise Management Associates. "Today's attackers are more determined than ever, and organizations need a flexible, fast and scalable data platform to be able to respond. The new dashboards in the Splunk App for Enterprise Security help security professionals make this data more actionable."

Fieldglass is a market leader in Vendor Management System (VMS) technology. Fieldglass' Software-as-a-Service platform helps nearly 200 companies better procure and manage their global non-employee workforces. The company replaced a legacy Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tool with Splunk Enterprise and the Splunk App for Enterprise Security two years ago. Fieldglass uses Splunk software for data forensics and analysis, security reporting and SIEM functionality.

"Finding advanced threats is hard. What Splunk has done with the Enterprise Security 2.4 release is make it easier to find and visualize unusual characteristics of data using statistics," said Jim Krev, Sr. Security Manager, Fieldglass Inc. "This can help to detect a malicious payload left on a host and its outbound communication. The visualizations also make it easier for me to assure management that our AV software is working sufficiently and we have had no payload problems."

The common purpose of advanced threat malware is to communicate to external locations its health, facilitate command and control, and collect and send valuable data to the attacker. Essentially, attackers are turning employees into 'data mules' for advanced threat actors. Often, the attacker will then use web-based protocols for communication in the hopes of hiding their traffic in terabytes of web logs. Traditional security approaches help find known threats, and statistical analysis is used to separate ordinary user activity from the anomalies that result from unknown threats. The Splunk App for Enterprise Security includes searches, dashboards and visualizations for Advanced Threat Detection that help to reveal what activity is abnormal and detect attack patterns. This statistical analysis reveals attacks and threats including:

  • Command and control (CNC) instructions embedded in URLs. The Splunk App for Enterprise Security automates the process to watch for outliers in the data.
  • Hosts communicating with new malicious websites. Hosts that are talking to domains registered in the past 24-48 hours indicate a likely CNC site. Splunk users can correlate domain registrations and proxy data to monitor this in real time and historically.
  • Significant increases in unknown communications. Monitoring proxy data for specific users with the Splunk App for Enterprise Security enables organizations to watch for spikes of unknown communications as an overall trend and by specific users.
  • Unusual user agent strings in use. User agents automate the collection of data such as email, but during attacks user agents strings can also facilitate automated victim attacker communications. Splunk customers can monitor and be alerted about user agent anomalies in real time.
  • Abnormal amounts of source/destination traffic. Track average amounts of traffic are tracked between source/destination pairs and calculated over user specified time frames. Statistical outliers are visualized in a scatter plot and can be used to start an investigation.

Splunk customers who have purchased the Splunk App for Enterprise Security can download version 2.4 of the Splunk App for Enterprise Security on Splunkbase, Splunk's community website. New users can contact Splunk sales.

Register now for .conf2013, the 4th Annual Splunk Worldwide Users' Conference, featuring more than 100 sessions by Splunk customers, partners, experts and employees. .conf2013 is being held September 30-October 3 at The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.

About Splunk Inc.

Splunk Inc. (NASDAQ: SPLK) provides the engine for machine data™. Splunk® software collects, indexes and harnesses the machine-generated big data coming from the websites, applications, servers, networks and mobile devices that power business. Splunk software enables organizations to monitor, search, analyze, visualize and act on massive streams of real-time and historical machine data. More than 5,200 enterprises, universities, government agencies and service providers in over 90 countries use Splunk Enterprise to gain Operational Intelligence that deepens business and customer understanding, improves service and uptime, reduces cost and mitigates cybersecurity risk. Splunk Storm®, a cloud-based subscription service, is used by organizations developing applications in the cloud.

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Splunk, Splunk>, Listen to Your Data, The Engine for Machine Data, Hunk, Splunk Cloud, Splunk Storm, SPL, Splunk MINT Express and Splunk MINT Enterprise are trademarks and registered trademarks of Splunk Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners. © 2015 Splunk Inc. All rights reserved.

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Splunk Inc.
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Splunk Inc.