Jodee Varney
Jodee Varney

Jodee Varney is principal product manager on the “Getting Data In” team at Splunk, responsible for data edge processing and other new GDI tools. Throughout her career, she’s had the opportunity to launch or improve the usability of many products that manage, collect, and share data. She also rides bikes, hikes, builds things with wood and salvaged materials, tracks new developments in housing energy efficiency, and in general tries to live as small as she can.

Splunk Edge Processorのご紹介:次世代のデータ変換

Splunk Cloud Platformで利用できるSplunk Edge Processorを使用すれば、データソースの近くでデータ変換を行うことによって効率を向上するとともに、移動中のデータの可視性を高めることができます。