Lila Fridley

Lila Fridley

Lila is a Senior Product Manager for ML at Splunk based in the Bay Area. She works across the Splunk product and solution portfolio to bring analytics closer to the data, creating more value for users. Prior to Splunk, Lila worked at AI-platform company where she led the application development for Reliability and Predictive Maintenance. She has led research, engineering, and customer deployment efforts across manufacturing, energy, petrochemicals, and aerospace industries. She holds a BS in Chemical Engineering and MS in Civil Engineering from MIT, and MBA from the Sloan School at MIT.

Official Title:

Senior Product Manager, Applied ML

What You Really Do:

Evaluate use cases for AI/ML and find ways to solve business problems with data


Being outside: hiking, biking, running, eating. Sharing the wonder of the great PNW with friends and family

Favorite Quote:

"Little by little, and also in great leaps, life happen[s]"

— Pablo Neruda (adapted)

Posts by Lila Fridley