Garth Fort
Garth Fort

Garth Fort is the Senior Vice President and Chief Product Officer for Splunk. With over 25 years of product management experience, Garth is responsible for evolving Splunk’s market-leading product portfolio of software and cloud services. He has a true passion for driving product roadmaps across both established and emerging categories while successfully guiding software teams through high growth and transitions to the cloud. Prior to Splunk, Garth served as a general manager for Amazon Web Services (AWS) and led innovation for customers, independent software vendors and channel partners. He also held several leadership positions with Microsoft over 20 years and oversaw the worldwide ecosystem strategy and execution for its cloud and enterprise division, including Microsoft Azure, Windows Server, SQL Server and a broad portfolio of products for developers and IT professionals. He holds an A.B. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

経営陣 3 分程度

Splunk、自動脅威分析のスタートアップであるTwinWave Security社を買収し、新たなセキュリティリーダーを任命

SplunkはTwinWave Security社を買収してセキュリティリーダーシップを拡大し、TwinWave社のCEO兼共同設立者であるMike Horn氏をセキュリティ担当シニアバイスプレジデント兼ゼネラルマネージャーに任命しました。

Splunk Cloud Platformの安定性とレジリエンスで予期せぬ事態に対応

Splunkのシニアバイスプレジデント兼最高プロダクト責任者であるGarth Fortが、セキュリティ、インフラ、アプリケーションの観点から、Splunk Cloud Platformがお客様のエコシステム全体の安定性を向上させるために重要である理由について詳しく説明します。