Dave Donnelly
Dave Donnelly

David Donnelly serves as Area Vice President for Defense and National Security Programs at Splunk. He has twenty years of experience in the cyber security and information technology industry. Previous to joining Splunk in 2015, Mr. Donnelly served as Director of Sales at Sourcefire supporting major cyber programs within the US Department of Defense. Prior to entering the information technology industry, Mr. Donnelly served eight years on active duty as naval aviator flying CH-46 helicopters.

業種・業界 3 分程度

Splunkがその優れたSOARソリューションによりNAVWAR Enterprise主催の第3回AIコンテストで優勝

NAVWAR (米国海軍情報戦システム司令部) Enterpriseは先日、第3回目となるAI ATAC (自律的サイバーセキュリティへのAIの応用)コンテストでSplunkが優勝したことを発表しました。