Billy Hoffman
Billy Hoffman

For over 15 years Billy has spoken internationally at conferences and written 2 books on how to build fast and secure websites. While CTO at Rigor, Billy on helped customers create strong performance cultures and understand the importance of performance to the business. Following Rigor's acquisition by Splunk, Billy focuses on improving and integrating the capabilities of Splunk's APM, RUM, and Synthetics products.

DevOps 7 分程度


このブログ記事では、先日発生したFastlyの障害に対する従来の監視テクノロジーでの対応を検証し、オブザーバビリティの実践にDigital Experience Monitoringを活用することがこの種の問題の検出と対応にいかに効果的であるかについて解説します。